G.J. and Lauren came down from New Jersey on their honeymoon this past week, and we convinced them to leave the sterile walls of Disney Property and come and join us downtown for a post-wedding photo shoot. Beside having an awesome time hanging out with them, we got some cool images from the shoot as well. Here are our favorites:
Well we are back from our road trip, and as is always the case after vacation, we have a million things to do. Sometimes you need a vacation from a vacation. Anyway we had the four beautiful Green kids in our studio and you think that having four young children running around would be hard work, but they were amazing and we had a great time. Here are some of those images:
Our Blog is dedicated to keeping up with our family of clients and letting them keep up with us. Here you can find pictures and stories about our studio and what is going on around Orlando.
For more info on us and what we do, visit us at www.hughesfioretti.com.